Localization testing, on location, by locals, in your target markets is the best way to ensure your app is working, understandable, and intuitive to the people who will be using it. Formatting, language, characters, idioms, and other factors can easily slip through translation services.
Properly localizing an app takes a lot more than just translating text. If you want your app to appeal to users in your targeted area, you need to consider factors like:
Text Formatting: Should the text go left to right, or right to left?
Phone Numbers & Addresses: Each country has a unique way of formatting phone numbers and addresses. Did you use the right one?
Conversions: Does your app correctly convert currencies? Does it account for local taxes?
Links: Did you properly translate and localize all the pages your app links to (such as Terms & Conditions)?
Colors: Using the wrong color could mean your links and buttons get ignored.
If you want your app to spread around the world, it’s important to make sure it’s ready for the global rollout. Localization testing with SQA Solution can help you ensure that your app is fully ready for use.